Interpreter/CART reporting

Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Interpreter and CART Reporting services and FM hearing systems

Interpreter Services

An interpreter provides access to the spoken word by translating what is said into sign language, mouth movements, hand placements, written form or any other language form.

SDS coordinates services through various agencies. In order to ensure quality services, requests must be submitted three weeks prior to your first class session for each semester you are enrolled. Please note the longer the delay in requesting services, the greater the possibility that interpreters are unavailable.

Requesting interpreters for classes:

1. New students registering for services: Please call SDS at 313-577-1851 to schedule an intake appointment with an SDS disability specialist. Check the documentation guidelines for the deaf and hearing impaired and how to register with SDS.

At your intake appointment, you will complete the Interpreter/CART Reporter Request Form with your disability specialist so that services can be obtained.

2. Continuing students: Use Priority Registration to establish your class schedule in advance. Meet with your disability specialist and complete the Interpreter/CART Reporter Request Form three weeks prior to your first class session. If possible, get the course syllabus for each class before the term begins so that your service provider can be scheduled.

Scheduling interpreters for other campus functions:

For campus functions or university events unrelated to credit for class work, you should notify the department or the program that is sponsoring the event. The contact person in that department will need to call Deaf and Hearing Interpreting Services at 248-473-1888 or for CART reporting services contact Student Disability Services.

  1. Date and time of the event
  2. Type of event (lecture, forum, etc.)
  3. Title of the presentation, if applicable; written material (ex. brochure, flyer) of event, if available
  4. Speaker(s) name
  5. Student/consumer's name
  6. Student/consumer's preference for type of interpretation (ex. ASL, PSE)
  7. Department contact person's name and telephone number

Computer Assisted Real Time (CART) Services

CART services are near-verbatim transcriptions of the spoken word into a visual text display on a computer screen. CART services are particularly useful for individuals who are late deafened, hard of hearing or not fluent in American Sign Language.

SDS coordinates services through freelance personnel. In order to ensure quality service, requests must be submitted three weeks prior to your first class session for each term you are enrolled. Please note the longer the delay in requesting services, the greater the possibility that CART reporters may not be available.

Requesting CART services for classes:

Submit requests for CART services following the same procedure for new and returning students as for interpreting services.

Assistive listening technology:

1. New students registering for services: Please call SDS at 313-577-1851 to schedule an intake appointment with a SDS disability specialist. Check the documentation guidelines for the deaf and Hard of Hearing how to register with SDS.

At your intake appointment, you will have the opportunity to borrow an Assistive Listening Device. You will fill out the Borrowed Equipment Agreement with your disability specialist. Borrowed equipment is returned at the end of each term to the SDS office.

2. Continuing students: Use Priority Registration to establish your class schedule in advance. Meet with your disability specialist so that you can check out an Assistive Listening Device and complete and sign the Borrowed Equipment Agreement.