Frequently asked questions

  • Who qualifies as an individual with a disability?

    An individual with a disability is defined as any person who:

    • has a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities (including walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning, working, caring for oneself, or performing manual tasks)

    • has a record of such an impairment, or

    • is regarded as having such an impairment

  • How do I qualify for services?

    To be eligible for services, you must provide written documentation from a qualified medical professional about the nature of the disability. A medical professional may be a therapist, psychiatrist, psychologist, primary care physician, or another certified medical professional. Documentation should include:

    • test results, diagnosis, or a full medical/psychiatric report;

    • functional limitations of the disability and medication;

    • and any academic recommendations

    Once the documentation is received, it will be reviewed by a disability specialist and discussed with you during an intake meeting, at which appropriate accommodations will be determined.

  • What is a reasonable accommodation?

    A reasonable accommodation is a modification or adjustment to a course, program, service, job, activity or facility that enables a qualified individual with a disability to have an equal opportunity to attain the same level of performance or to enjoy equal benefits and privileges as are available to an individual without a disability. Some common academic accommodations include:

    • extended time on tests

    • use of peer notetakers

    • provision of sign language interpreters

  • Where is the Student Disability Services (SDS) office?

    Student Disability Services is located on the first floor of the David Adamany Undergraduate Library in the Student Academic Success Services (SASS) suite near the 24-hour computer lab.

    Upon entering the SASS suite, you will be greeted by a staff member at the reception desk, who will guide you to the SDS area.

  • How do I register with Student Disability Services?

    Please complete the online registration form. Once we receive the form, SDS staff will contact you to schedule your initial appointment.

  • How do I know if I qualify for disability services?

    If you meet the criteria of having a disability and are accepted at Wayne State University, you qualify for disability services. We recommend students who are unsure still complete the online registration form. Once we receive the form, SDS staff will contact you to schedule an intake or consultation to discuss about eligibility and potential accommodations.

  • What services does Student Disability Services provide?

    Services include:

    • alternative testing

    • interpreter and CART reporting

    • alternative formats for textbooks

    • note-taking assistance

    • assistive technology

    • use of SDS exam and study rooms

    Accommodations appropriate and reasonable for your disability will be determined when you meet with the disability specialist.

  • Does Student Disability Services provide personal services?

    SDS provides accommodations and services in the academic setting. Services related to daily living needs are the responsibility of the student. This includes ownership of equipment such as wheelchairs as well as services related to personal care.

  • What can I do if I encounter an accessibility issue on campus?

    If you encounter a facility access barrier, such as a malfunctioning elevator, broken automated door, or weather-related physical barrier, report it to WSU by completing this online form.